New Jerseyans Rally in New Brunswick to Demand Medicare for All
More than 75 activists rallied in front of Congressman Frank Pallone’s office on Church St in New Brunswick to demand Medicare for All on July 24. Medicare was signed into law on July 30, 1965, so the New Brunswick rally was also commemorating Medicare’s fifty-second anniversary. Letters in support of HR676 were presented to his staff. This action, organized by the NJ State Industrial Union Council, was part of a day of action with Millions Marching for Medicare in DC and in 45 states around the nation. Speakers from more than a dozen co-sponsoring organizations expressed the need for Healthcare for All—Everybody In, Nobody Out! Among the speakers was IUC President Carol Gay, who said in her remarks, “Medicare for All is the only healthcare system that can save costs and cover everyone.” Energetic chants were heard as the marchers proceeded to George and Albany saying, “Healthcare is a Human Right—Rise Up and Join the Fight!” Songs for healthcare for all were provided by the Solidarity Singers of the NJ State Industrial Union Council.